
class astrowidgets.ImageWidget(logger=None, image_width=500, image_height=500, use_opencv=True, pixel_coords_offset=0)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: ipywidgets.widgets.widget_box.VBox

Image widget for Jupyter notebook using Ginga viewer.

logger : obj or None

Ginga logger. For example:

from ginga.misc.log import get_logger
logger = get_logger('my_viewer', log_stderr=False,
                    log_file='ginga.log', level=40)
image_width, image_height : int

Dimension of Jupyter notebook’s image widget.

use_opencv : bool

Let Ginga use opencv to speed up image transformation; e.g., rotation and mosaic. If this is enabled and you do not have opencv, you will get a warning.

pixel_coords_offset : int, optional

An offset, typically either 0 or 1, to add/subtract to all pixel values when going to/from the displayed image. In almost all situations the default value, ``0``, is the correct value to use.

Attributes Summary

autocut_options List all available options for image auto-cut.
click_center Settable.
click_drag Settable.
colormap_options List of colormap names.
cursor Show or hide cursor information (X, Y, WCS).
cuts Current image cut levels.
is_marking True if in marking mode, False otherwise.
logger Logger for this widget.
marker Marker to use.
pixel_offset An offset, typically either 0 or 1, to add/subtract to all pixel values when going to/from the displayed image.
scroll_pan Settable.
stretch The image stretching algorithm in use.
stretch_options List all available options for image stretching.
zoom_level Zoom level:

Methods Summary

add_markers(self, table[, x_colname, …]) Creates markers in the image at given points.
center_on(self, point) Centers the view on a particular point.
get_markers(self[, x_colname, y_colname, …]) Return the locations of existing markers.
load_array(self, arr) Load a 2D array into the viewer.
load_fits(self, fitsorfn[, numhdu, memmap]) Load a FITS file into the viewer.
load_nddata(self, nddata) Load an NDData object into the viewer.
offset_to(self, dx, dy[, skycoord_offset]) Move the center to a point that is given offset away from the current center.
remove_markers(self[, marker_name]) Remove some but not all of the markers by name used when adding the markers
reset_markers(self) Delete all markers.
save(self, filename) Save out the current image view to given PNG filename.
set_colormap(self, cmap) Set colormap to the given colormap name.
start_marking(self[, marker_name, marker]) Start marking, with option to name this set of markers or to specify the marker style.
stop_marking(self[, clear_markers]) Stop marking mode, with option to clear markers, if desired.
zoom(self, val) Zoom in or out by the given factor.

Attributes Documentation


List all available options for image auto-cut.


Settable. If True, middle-clicking can be used to center. If False, that interaction is disabled.

In the future this might go from True/False to being a selectable button. But not for the first round.


Settable. If True, the “click-and-drag” mode is an available interaction for panning. If False, it is not.

Note that this should be automatically made False when selection mode is activated.


List of colormap names.


Show or hide cursor information (X, Y, WCS). Acceptable values are ‘top’, ‘bottom’, or None.


Current image cut levels. To set new cut levels, either provide a tuple of (low, high) values or one of the options from autocut_options.


True if in marking mode, False otherwise. Marking mode means a mouse click adds a new marker. This does not affect add_markers().


Logger for this widget.


Marker to use.

Marker can be set as follows:

{'type': 'circle', 'color': 'cyan', 'radius': 20}
{'type': 'cross', 'color': 'green', 'radius': 20}
{'type': 'plus', 'color': 'red', 'radius': 20}

An offset, typically either 0 or 1, to add/subtract to all pixel values when going to/from the displayed image. In almost all situations the default value, ``0``, is the correct value to use.

This value cannot be modified after initialization.


Settable. If True, scrolling moves around in the image. If False, scrolling (up/down) zooms the image in and out.


The image stretching algorithm in use.


List all available options for image stretching.


Zoom level:

  • 1 means real-pixel-size.
  • 2 means zoomed in by a factor of 2.
  • 0.5 means zoomed out by a factor of 2.

Methods Documentation

add_markers(self, table, x_colname='x', y_colname='y', skycoord_colname='coord', use_skycoord=False, marker_name=None)[source] [edit on github]

Creates markers in the image at given points.

table : Table

Table containing marker locations.

x_colname, y_colname : str

Column names for X and Y. Coordinates can be 0- or 1-indexed, as given by self.pixel_offset.

skycoord_colname : str

Column name with SkyCoord objects.

use_skycoord : bool

If True, use skycoord_colname to mark. Otherwise, use x_colname and y_colname.

marker_name : str, optional

Name to assign the markers in the table. Providing a name allows markers to be removed by name at a later time.

center_on(self, point)[source] [edit on github]

Centers the view on a particular point.

point : tuple or SkyCoord

If tuple of (X, Y) is given, it is assumed to be in data coordinates.

get_markers(self, x_colname='x', y_colname='y', skycoord_colname='coord', marker_name=None)[source] [edit on github]

Return the locations of existing markers.

x_colname, y_colname : str

Column names for X and Y data coordinates. Coordinates returned are 0- or 1-indexed, depending on self.pixel_offset.

skycoord_colname : str

Column name for SkyCoord, which contains sky coordinates associated with the active image. This is ignored if image has no WCS.

markers_table : Table or None

Table of markers, if any, or None.

load_array(self, arr)[source] [edit on github]

Load a 2D array into the viewer.


Use load_nddata() for WCS support.

arr : array-like

2D array.

load_fits(self, fitsorfn, numhdu=None, memmap=None)[source] [edit on github]

Load a FITS file into the viewer.

fitsorfn : str or HDU

Either a file name or an HDU (not an HDUList). If file name is given, WCS in primary header is automatically inherited. If a single HDU is given, WCS must be in the HDU header.

numhdu : int or None

Extension number of the desired HDU. If None, it is determined automatically.

memmap : bool or None

Memory mapping. If None, it is determined automatically.

load_nddata(self, nddata)[source] [edit on github]

Load an NDData object into the viewer.

nddata : NDData

NDData with image data and WCS.

offset_to(self, dx, dy, skycoord_offset=False)[source] [edit on github]

Move the center to a point that is given offset away from the current center.

dx, dy : float

Offset value. Unit is assumed based on skycoord_offset.

skycoord_offset : bool

If True, offset must be given in degrees. Otherwise, they are in pixel values.

remove_markers(self, marker_name=None)[source] [edit on github]

Remove some but not all of the markers by name used when adding the markers

marker_name : str, optional

Name used when the markers were added.

reset_markers(self)[source] [edit on github]

Delete all markers.

save(self, filename)[source] [edit on github]

Save out the current image view to given PNG filename.

set_colormap(self, cmap)[source] [edit on github]

Set colormap to the given colormap name.

cmap : str

Colormap name. Possible values can be obtained from colormap_options().

start_marking(self, marker_name=None, marker=None)[source] [edit on github]

Start marking, with option to name this set of markers or to specify the marker style.

stop_marking(self, clear_markers=False)[source] [edit on github]

Stop marking mode, with option to clear markers, if desired.

clear_markers : bool, optional

If clear_markers is False, existing markers are retained until reset_markers() is called. Otherwise, they are erased.

zoom(self, val)[source] [edit on github]

Zoom in or out by the given factor.

val : int

The zoom level to zoom the image. See zoom_level.